Who are we?
“D-CONSULTING Management Systems” is a company that is located in Athens. The company is established by Georgios P. Diles, Electronic Engineer, and launched its operations in 1996 providing consulting services on the industry sector. The founder is one of the first registered member of the Registry of Authorized Consultants of Hellenic Organization for Small Medium Enterprises.
Our significant past experience and the opportunities on the service sector of the Greek Market have helped the company to provide consulting services, training and audits in areas such as:

Our mission
The provision of integrated services, with added value and in accordance with the customer’s requirements and technical support in the issues that are required, is the philosophy and purpose of the services provided by “D-CONSULTING Management Systems”.
Our strengths
• Our experience in third party audits on 1000+ sites, in Greece and abroad
• The provision of services to various and some of the largest Greek companies
• The support of high-demanding systems with complex technical tasks, state of the art technology processes and high organizational requirements
• The training experience and the possibility to implement in-house, tailor-made seminars through the OAED / LAEK account
• The total knowledge of the requirements and needs, on the private and public sector
Our certification
Our company provides consulting, training services and audits by adopting the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015. “D-CONSULTING Management Systems” has been certified by the accredited and internationally recognized organization “Bureau Veritas”.
Additionally, our company has auditors that have been certified by IRCA (International Register of Certified Auditors)